Monday, November 25, 2013

Today in class we started to do a thing on Google documents really do not think that this is going to work well. For a number of reasons. One is that we all want to do the same thing and we all can’t. Another is that it has that chat feature and people are focusing more talking to each other then they are on working. And the final reason and the biggest one is grace. I am going to try and say it as nicely as I can but she can be a little bossy. And if does not go her way she starts to freak out a little. She was trying to tell us all what we should be working on and how we should be doing it and no one wants to hear it from her. And because she is telling us what to do people get angry at her I think that we all should work in our own groups this way we all can do it our way a and it will cut out the arguing.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today in class we talked the class and we did not play that game. I am glad that we did not play the game. From that game honestly I did not learn really anything. Because I did not feel like reading the game. The game was not really even a game it is more like a book. All you do is read and read and read. I feel that I learn better with a PowerPoint and someone talking.  With the PowerPoint I can see what we are doing and with the teacher talking I pay more attention to what is going on.  Also you have to be a little more active with the PowerPoint and the teacher because he or she will ask questions and will try to get you more involved. I would prefer the PowerPoint much more in the future.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today in class we got our test back. And well I honestly did awful on it. It was one of the worst grades that I have ever gotten on anything. I got most of them wrong because I really did not pay attention. If I read the question a little slower I might have not of messed up so much. What I would do is I would read the question and not look at the important points in it and I would read It wrong. So a lot of the questions I could have gotten right if I only slowed down. I had all the answers in my blog I just was not paying attention.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today in class you said that people emailed you and said that they wanted more projects. I honestly can’t believe that anyone would have said that. Well anyone other than Grace. Well we started to do that game for the peace core thing and I personally think that it is a little stupid. All you do in the game is read and when it is just that you don’t want to play because it is just reading. If it was more interesting then I think that we might learn more but when it is just clicking and reading no one wants to do it so they just click through and without paying any attention to it. I would like to do other things then this if we have to do a project at all.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today in class we took a test on the world leaders. I do not think that I did well on it because I did not update my blog much. I studied from the power point because it was easier. I wish I would have updated my blog more and if we ever do anything like this again I diffidently will. There was one leader that I had her picture and other things about her but I did not have her name so I had no idea who she was. I do know thought that is was the leader of Brazil. There was also the old leader of Germany that I had nothing on my blog about her. Well now I know for later and all I can do now is hope for the best on this grade.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

world fact book

federal republic
President Enrique PENA NIETO

communist state
President XI Jinping

federal republic
President Pranab MUKHERJEE

Islamic republic
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid KARZAI

federal republic
President Joachim GAUCK

united kingdom
constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm

President Francois HOLLANDE


parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm

federal republic
 President Nicolas MADURO Moros

Saudi Arabia
King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

theocratic republic
Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI

parliamentary democracy
President Shimon PERES

this is for the 4th I was having problems with internet last night.
Today is class we started a new subject. It is kind of connected to the others but it is still a new subject. We are starting to talk about political things. I think that this will be the most boring subject we have had so far. I could be very interesting to some people but to me it is very boring. It is just my opinion I do not like politics and things of that subject. I would rather keep talking about migration and other things like that. Politics usually causes problems and starts fights. That is why I do not like getting into the subject. I think that our class will be very enthusiastic about this subject and a lot of people will talk about.