Monday, November 25, 2013

Today in class we started to do a thing on Google documents really do not think that this is going to work well. For a number of reasons. One is that we all want to do the same thing and we all can’t. Another is that it has that chat feature and people are focusing more talking to each other then they are on working. And the final reason and the biggest one is grace. I am going to try and say it as nicely as I can but she can be a little bossy. And if does not go her way she starts to freak out a little. She was trying to tell us all what we should be working on and how we should be doing it and no one wants to hear it from her. And because she is telling us what to do people get angry at her I think that we all should work in our own groups this way we all can do it our way a and it will cut out the arguing.


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