Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today I got my test back. I did much better on it then I thought I would. As I wrought on my previous blogs I did not think I was going to do well. To be honest I thought I was going to fail. I also totally forgot that we even had a test. But I did much better than I could have ever expected. It was the first test that I have gotten 100 on the entire year. And the funny thing that the day we got back the test I got another test that had 100 on.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Well today in class I do not feel that we really did much. We looked at the power point but it was not done so we did not do much. So I really don’t have much to say in this blog. We talked about the questions that your club does and I thought about joining it but then I realized that I did not know any of the answers. Other than that we did not do much other than talk. So today is I short blog but I have nothing else to say today.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What are micro loans? Microloans are small loans that will help a small businesses get started.



Who can microloans help? They help people that usually would not be able to get a business started with their own money.


What kiva do for people? It allows people to give a small loan to people in developing counties.

How can small businesses help the local economy? It provides goods and money for the local area.

How are large businesses harmful to little businesses? They can buy large quantity of goods for a cheaper price. Little businesses will not get as good of deal because they are not buying and a large amount.

What are 3example of big businesses?  Target Walmart best buys

How many people have died from malaria a year? 625,000

How do you get malaria? You get it from infected female mosquitos.

is there a vaccine for malaria? no

what is the #1 way to stop malaria? to use nets

Monday, December 2, 2013

Today in class we talked more about microloans. Microloans are a very good thing because you need money to make money. It is very sad that it works that way but it does. You can’t start a business with no money you need money to build to own the land to purchase items. It is a good thing that we live in a developed country because we have access to the things we need to get a business started. But in counties in Africa they do not. So a person with a great idea for a business or a new object in Africa will probably never be seen through because they don’t have enough money to go with it. That is why things like kiva are great because it lets people with not much money go through with their idea.