Monday, October 28, 2013

Today is class we started to do a religion power point. Our group got Buddhism we really wanted Christianity but I’m ok that we did not at my old school we always did projects on Christianity so wanted a new religion to do research about. So far I like Buddhism it is very interesting. I also think that it is interesting that you can follow another religion but still follow Buddhist practices. I think that they are ok with that because Buddhism is not really a religion I is more of a life style. They teach peace and enlightenment and they are not saying that you have to follow any kind of god that don’t really talk about god much at all. They do not consider Buddha a god the see him as a great teacher and a great man. I think that what the Buddhist teach is great and that maybe we could learn something from the Buddhist.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in class we talked about nationalism. I think that nationalism is not a real thing. There is no one country that is better than all the others. Every country has there ups and downs. A country is like a person everyone is different we all have things that we are good at and we all have things we are not so good at. Just because one person is great at dancing and singing and another is good at math and science does not make one better than the other they are both equal. I think that nationalism is there because everyone wants to be proud of something and this is something they can be proud of.

Today we talked about war and what why there is war. I think that what people fight about is very stupid. People brutally murder one another over who has the better got or whose god is right. And a lot of the time they are fighting over the same god. Like the Protestants and the Christians they are fighting over the same thing. They both believe in one god and almost all of these beliefs are the same yet they fight over who is right and who is wrong. Why do people care so much about what other people think? I feel like people want to fight just for the sake of fighting so they pick a reason and fight over it. People will probably never prove if there is a god or whose god is the real god so people should really not fight over it.

Today we talked about war and what why there is war. I think that what people fight about is very stupid. People brutally murder one another over who has the better got or whose god is right. And a lot of the time they are fighting over the same god. Like the Protestants and the Christians they are fighting over the same thing. They both believe in one god and almost all of these beliefs are the same yet they fight over who is right and who is wrong. Why do people care so much about what other people think? I feel like people want to fight just for the sake of fighting so they pick a reason and fight over it. People will probably never prove if there is a god or whose god is the real god so people should really not fight over it.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Today in class we started with listing to your story. I t amazed me that you just walked in there and no one cared.  I would have thought that there would be some kind of identification to let you know who can go in and who can’t. It is true if you act like you belong there people will think you do. N you almost blend in with everyone else. I also think another reason you got in so easy was that it was not that important of a thing. If it was the president speaking or some kind of big thing like that there is no way that you would get in that easy. I do not know how I feel that you got in past cops It is a little scary to that that a terrorist could have done the same thing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today in class we got our test back. I did not do too badly on it but I did not do great on it. I got an 80 % on it. We also talked about kiva I think it is a good idea. We could help a lot of people if we all put some money in it 4 people is 100 dollars and just think about how many people we have in our class. And we know that it is not a scam so I think that our parents will be willing to help us. Also it would be double the money because you could invite all of us to the website and for every person you add you get a free 25$ so now think that if we have 30 people in our class 30 times 50 is 1500 dollars we could give all the money that one person need on our class alone I think we should do it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today in class we talked about population charts. It does make since why japan does not have many young people. They are not excepting of people coming into their country. And they are not having enough children. I also see why America is more like a box people do not want to have a large family these days. The economy is not that great. Everything is expensive and people do not have the money to support a large family. I do think that if the economy became better and there was good times the population in America would grow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today in class we took a quiz on the movie. I did know it all but as soon as I started the test I could not think. I has a total brain block and I could not think at all. I could not even remember the names of the main character. He gave us the option to look at our blogs but that did not help me. I have been using the blogs to show my opinions. I’m not sure how I did on it but if hoping for the best. Even though if I did do badly I think it would not affect my grade much. The last test I took I got the second highest grade in my class. But for now all I can do is hope I did fine.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Today in class we finished watching the movie. I thought that is was a very good documentary. It did not just show all the good things that happened them. Instead it showed both sides. It showed what really happed they showed what life was like where he was from and how hard it was. It also showed how hard life was in America and that it was not all easy. Like a good documentary they did not rush things. The recorded this or a time span of three years. If they wanted to rush it they could have made the documentary in less than a year and not get the full story. Instead they fallowed them around and saw how they adjusted to America and how they felt about their new home
sorry I know this is late
On Friday we watched more of the movie. We learned where they worked and how much they work. They are relay living a hard life easier then running away from your country like they were. But by American standards they are living a hard life. They have to work 2 job and they wake up at 5 in the morning and do not get home until very late at night. And the jobs they are doing are not life sustaining jobs. When they get up in the morning they arrive 2 hours early. I do not think that it right I think the government should have given them a rental car and maybe pay for them to learn to drive. I’m sure though that they are grateful for what they have.
I did not realize it but I accidently posted this blog to my English blog I did it on time I just accidently put it on the wrong one.

Today in class we continued to watch the movie and it really opens your eyes. This movie shows what the people went through over in Africa. It also makes you glad that you have the things you have. They came over here to America not knowing what a shower was or what most foods that we eat every day. They have never seen chips or ever used a microwave. One thing that I did not like was that the government is making them pay them back. After all that these people went through losing the parents leaving all the people they knew having to learn a new culture. I just cannot believe that they can’t just let a couple thousand dollars slide and let these people try and start a stable life here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in class we watched a movie. I thought it was a very interesting movie and it sounds like it will end well. It started out very depressing when they were talking about their parents. Also when they were talking about how it was little kids that were traveling. I really makes your appreciate all the opportunities we have in the USA. It also makes you think about all the stuff that have some people in the world have never used electricity or ever seen a car. In the USA there are a lot of opportunities that they would never have if they stayed in Africa. But in this world we will never know what is beyond the horizon and all we can do is hope that we as a race can make earth a better place for everyone.