Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today in class we got our test back. I did not do too badly on it but I did not do great on it. I got an 80 % on it. We also talked about kiva I think it is a good idea. We could help a lot of people if we all put some money in it 4 people is 100 dollars and just think about how many people we have in our class. And we know that it is not a scam so I think that our parents will be willing to help us. Also it would be double the money because you could invite all of us to the website and for every person you add you get a free 25$ so now think that if we have 30 people in our class 30 times 50 is 1500 dollars we could give all the money that one person need on our class alone I think we should do it.

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