Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I know it’s a day late but I was having issues with my internet last night so I had to post it when I got in school


            They said that thing were better at Nike but they really are not. That just adds to why people think that the workers for Nike are doing fine because if they improve one little thing then the news people pick it up and make it sound better then how it really is. Nike said that there workers agree to sign a contract that makes them work for less. But that is not really true yes the do have a contract that they agree to sign but they are more forced to sign it. Nike brought in the military to scare the workers into signing it. But the news people felt no need to right about that. And then that creates a loop the news people wright good things about Nike and people that read about it think that everything is ok. So then nothing gets better over there because people have no idea what is happening.

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