Monday, September 16, 2013


Today in class we learned mostly about the cons to globalization. We watched a video about 2 people who when to Indonesia. They went to the Nike factories and lived like the workers who work there. When they went there what they found was truly disgusting and horrible. The workers were living in 9 by 9 concrete houses. And they slept on thin pieces of fabric. They found that the concisions that the people were living were so awful that people were getting sick and the sewer was above ground and open so all the sewage was in the streets. And all the left over rubber from the factory was getting dumped and burned. So all the children and people around there where inhaling the smoke and are probably going to get cancer. It is amazing that there are no laws to help prevent stuff like this from happening. I really do not know how the ceo and all the people in the top ranks of the company can live with themselves. And they know what is going on and they are trying to hide it. If I was them I would really have a hard time living with myself.

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