Friday, September 6, 2013

One fact that I thought was amazing was that we are teaching kid how to solve problems that don’t exist yet using technology that also does not exist. There must be a lot of confidence that these technologies will exist soon. Another that I though was amazing was that the newspaper in a week gives people more info then people in the 18 century ever would come across. It makes science that after the printing press there was a boom in inventions and art and knowledge. When the printing press was invented info could travel faster and be more permanent then word of mouth.The last one was that there will be more than 40 Exabyte’s of new info this year alone and they said that is more then in the last 5000 years. We really are in a technological renaissance more and more technology is being invented every year. This is a time that there really are no limits on what we can do or what we will discover.

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