Monday, September 30, 2013

Today in class we went over the answers for the CIA scavenger hunt. There were a few answers that did really shock me. One was the one about the Hiv and aids. I think that it is hard to believe that we are a country that is developed and we are in the top 50 on the list. It is sad because there are so many other countries that are nowhere near as developed as we are and they are higher on the list then us. There are so many ways to prevent this disease and I will not go into how but it really makes me wonder. What are these other countries that do not have as good of medicine that cannot communicate well doing better or different then us. One possibility is that as a country we have a good sized population and it is measuring how many people are dying from this. Well if you have more people then you will have more people that will die. Even if you medicine and stuff like that the more people you have the greater the odds of more deaths. And the smaller counties are less populated so not as many people will die.

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