Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today I got my test back. I did much better on it then I thought I would. As I wrought on my previous blogs I did not think I was going to do well. To be honest I thought I was going to fail. I also totally forgot that we even had a test. But I did much better than I could have ever expected. It was the first test that I have gotten 100 on the entire year. And the funny thing that the day we got back the test I got another test that had 100 on.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Well today in class I do not feel that we really did much. We looked at the power point but it was not done so we did not do much. So I really don’t have much to say in this blog. We talked about the questions that your club does and I thought about joining it but then I realized that I did not know any of the answers. Other than that we did not do much other than talk. So today is I short blog but I have nothing else to say today.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What are micro loans? Microloans are small loans that will help a small businesses get started.



Who can microloans help? They help people that usually would not be able to get a business started with their own money.


What kiva do for people? It allows people to give a small loan to people in developing counties.

How can small businesses help the local economy? It provides goods and money for the local area.

How are large businesses harmful to little businesses? They can buy large quantity of goods for a cheaper price. Little businesses will not get as good of deal because they are not buying and a large amount.

What are 3example of big businesses?  Target Walmart best buys

How many people have died from malaria a year? 625,000

How do you get malaria? You get it from infected female mosquitos.

is there a vaccine for malaria? no

what is the #1 way to stop malaria? to use nets

Monday, December 2, 2013

Today in class we talked more about microloans. Microloans are a very good thing because you need money to make money. It is very sad that it works that way but it does. You can’t start a business with no money you need money to build to own the land to purchase items. It is a good thing that we live in a developed country because we have access to the things we need to get a business started. But in counties in Africa they do not. So a person with a great idea for a business or a new object in Africa will probably never be seen through because they don’t have enough money to go with it. That is why things like kiva are great because it lets people with not much money go through with their idea.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Today in class we started to do a thing on Google documents really do not think that this is going to work well. For a number of reasons. One is that we all want to do the same thing and we all can’t. Another is that it has that chat feature and people are focusing more talking to each other then they are on working. And the final reason and the biggest one is grace. I am going to try and say it as nicely as I can but she can be a little bossy. And if does not go her way she starts to freak out a little. She was trying to tell us all what we should be working on and how we should be doing it and no one wants to hear it from her. And because she is telling us what to do people get angry at her I think that we all should work in our own groups this way we all can do it our way a and it will cut out the arguing.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today in class we talked the class and we did not play that game. I am glad that we did not play the game. From that game honestly I did not learn really anything. Because I did not feel like reading the game. The game was not really even a game it is more like a book. All you do is read and read and read. I feel that I learn better with a PowerPoint and someone talking.  With the PowerPoint I can see what we are doing and with the teacher talking I pay more attention to what is going on.  Also you have to be a little more active with the PowerPoint and the teacher because he or she will ask questions and will try to get you more involved. I would prefer the PowerPoint much more in the future.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today in class we got our test back. And well I honestly did awful on it. It was one of the worst grades that I have ever gotten on anything. I got most of them wrong because I really did not pay attention. If I read the question a little slower I might have not of messed up so much. What I would do is I would read the question and not look at the important points in it and I would read It wrong. So a lot of the questions I could have gotten right if I only slowed down. I had all the answers in my blog I just was not paying attention.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today in class you said that people emailed you and said that they wanted more projects. I honestly can’t believe that anyone would have said that. Well anyone other than Grace. Well we started to do that game for the peace core thing and I personally think that it is a little stupid. All you do in the game is read and when it is just that you don’t want to play because it is just reading. If it was more interesting then I think that we might learn more but when it is just clicking and reading no one wants to do it so they just click through and without paying any attention to it. I would like to do other things then this if we have to do a project at all.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today in class we took a test on the world leaders. I do not think that I did well on it because I did not update my blog much. I studied from the power point because it was easier. I wish I would have updated my blog more and if we ever do anything like this again I diffidently will. There was one leader that I had her picture and other things about her but I did not have her name so I had no idea who she was. I do know thought that is was the leader of Brazil. There was also the old leader of Germany that I had nothing on my blog about her. Well now I know for later and all I can do now is hope for the best on this grade.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

world fact book

federal republic
President Enrique PENA NIETO

communist state
President XI Jinping

federal republic
President Pranab MUKHERJEE

Islamic republic
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid KARZAI

federal republic
President Joachim GAUCK

united kingdom
constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm

President Francois HOLLANDE


parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm

federal republic
 President Nicolas MADURO Moros

Saudi Arabia
King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

theocratic republic
Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI

parliamentary democracy
President Shimon PERES

this is for the 4th I was having problems with internet last night.
Today is class we started a new subject. It is kind of connected to the others but it is still a new subject. We are starting to talk about political things. I think that this will be the most boring subject we have had so far. I could be very interesting to some people but to me it is very boring. It is just my opinion I do not like politics and things of that subject. I would rather keep talking about migration and other things like that. Politics usually causes problems and starts fights. That is why I do not like getting into the subject. I think that our class will be very enthusiastic about this subject and a lot of people will talk about.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today is class we started to do a religion power point. Our group got Buddhism we really wanted Christianity but I’m ok that we did not at my old school we always did projects on Christianity so wanted a new religion to do research about. So far I like Buddhism it is very interesting. I also think that it is interesting that you can follow another religion but still follow Buddhist practices. I think that they are ok with that because Buddhism is not really a religion I is more of a life style. They teach peace and enlightenment and they are not saying that you have to follow any kind of god that don’t really talk about god much at all. They do not consider Buddha a god the see him as a great teacher and a great man. I think that what the Buddhist teach is great and that maybe we could learn something from the Buddhist.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in class we talked about nationalism. I think that nationalism is not a real thing. There is no one country that is better than all the others. Every country has there ups and downs. A country is like a person everyone is different we all have things that we are good at and we all have things we are not so good at. Just because one person is great at dancing and singing and another is good at math and science does not make one better than the other they are both equal. I think that nationalism is there because everyone wants to be proud of something and this is something they can be proud of.

Today we talked about war and what why there is war. I think that what people fight about is very stupid. People brutally murder one another over who has the better got or whose god is right. And a lot of the time they are fighting over the same god. Like the Protestants and the Christians they are fighting over the same thing. They both believe in one god and almost all of these beliefs are the same yet they fight over who is right and who is wrong. Why do people care so much about what other people think? I feel like people want to fight just for the sake of fighting so they pick a reason and fight over it. People will probably never prove if there is a god or whose god is the real god so people should really not fight over it.

Today we talked about war and what why there is war. I think that what people fight about is very stupid. People brutally murder one another over who has the better got or whose god is right. And a lot of the time they are fighting over the same god. Like the Protestants and the Christians they are fighting over the same thing. They both believe in one god and almost all of these beliefs are the same yet they fight over who is right and who is wrong. Why do people care so much about what other people think? I feel like people want to fight just for the sake of fighting so they pick a reason and fight over it. People will probably never prove if there is a god or whose god is the real god so people should really not fight over it.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Today in class we started with listing to your story. I t amazed me that you just walked in there and no one cared.  I would have thought that there would be some kind of identification to let you know who can go in and who can’t. It is true if you act like you belong there people will think you do. N you almost blend in with everyone else. I also think another reason you got in so easy was that it was not that important of a thing. If it was the president speaking or some kind of big thing like that there is no way that you would get in that easy. I do not know how I feel that you got in past cops It is a little scary to that that a terrorist could have done the same thing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today in class we got our test back. I did not do too badly on it but I did not do great on it. I got an 80 % on it. We also talked about kiva I think it is a good idea. We could help a lot of people if we all put some money in it 4 people is 100 dollars and just think about how many people we have in our class. And we know that it is not a scam so I think that our parents will be willing to help us. Also it would be double the money because you could invite all of us to the website and for every person you add you get a free 25$ so now think that if we have 30 people in our class 30 times 50 is 1500 dollars we could give all the money that one person need on our class alone I think we should do it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today in class we talked about population charts. It does make since why japan does not have many young people. They are not excepting of people coming into their country. And they are not having enough children. I also see why America is more like a box people do not want to have a large family these days. The economy is not that great. Everything is expensive and people do not have the money to support a large family. I do think that if the economy became better and there was good times the population in America would grow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today in class we took a quiz on the movie. I did know it all but as soon as I started the test I could not think. I has a total brain block and I could not think at all. I could not even remember the names of the main character. He gave us the option to look at our blogs but that did not help me. I have been using the blogs to show my opinions. I’m not sure how I did on it but if hoping for the best. Even though if I did do badly I think it would not affect my grade much. The last test I took I got the second highest grade in my class. But for now all I can do is hope I did fine.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Today in class we finished watching the movie. I thought that is was a very good documentary. It did not just show all the good things that happened them. Instead it showed both sides. It showed what really happed they showed what life was like where he was from and how hard it was. It also showed how hard life was in America and that it was not all easy. Like a good documentary they did not rush things. The recorded this or a time span of three years. If they wanted to rush it they could have made the documentary in less than a year and not get the full story. Instead they fallowed them around and saw how they adjusted to America and how they felt about their new home
sorry I know this is late
On Friday we watched more of the movie. We learned where they worked and how much they work. They are relay living a hard life easier then running away from your country like they were. But by American standards they are living a hard life. They have to work 2 job and they wake up at 5 in the morning and do not get home until very late at night. And the jobs they are doing are not life sustaining jobs. When they get up in the morning they arrive 2 hours early. I do not think that it right I think the government should have given them a rental car and maybe pay for them to learn to drive. I’m sure though that they are grateful for what they have.
I did not realize it but I accidently posted this blog to my English blog I did it on time I just accidently put it on the wrong one.

Today in class we continued to watch the movie and it really opens your eyes. This movie shows what the people went through over in Africa. It also makes you glad that you have the things you have. They came over here to America not knowing what a shower was or what most foods that we eat every day. They have never seen chips or ever used a microwave. One thing that I did not like was that the government is making them pay them back. After all that these people went through losing the parents leaving all the people they knew having to learn a new culture. I just cannot believe that they can’t just let a couple thousand dollars slide and let these people try and start a stable life here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in class we watched a movie. I thought it was a very interesting movie and it sounds like it will end well. It started out very depressing when they were talking about their parents. Also when they were talking about how it was little kids that were traveling. I really makes your appreciate all the opportunities we have in the USA. It also makes you think about all the stuff that have some people in the world have never used electricity or ever seen a car. In the USA there are a lot of opportunities that they would never have if they stayed in Africa. But in this world we will never know what is beyond the horizon and all we can do is hope that we as a race can make earth a better place for everyone.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Today in class we went over the answers for the CIA scavenger hunt. There were a few answers that did really shock me. One was the one about the Hiv and aids. I think that it is hard to believe that we are a country that is developed and we are in the top 50 on the list. It is sad because there are so many other countries that are nowhere near as developed as we are and they are higher on the list then us. There are so many ways to prevent this disease and I will not go into how but it really makes me wonder. What are these other countries that do not have as good of medicine that cannot communicate well doing better or different then us. One possibility is that as a country we have a good sized population and it is measuring how many people are dying from this. Well if you have more people then you will have more people that will die. Even if you medicine and stuff like that the more people you have the greater the odds of more deaths. And the smaller counties are less populated so not as many people will die.
had issues posting
1.    What is the population of the United States?  316668567


2.    What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? China India USA Indonesia and brazil


3.    What is the population of Pakistan?   193,238,868


4.    What kind of government does the United States have? democracy


5.    What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?  95%


6.    What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia


7.    What country has the third greatest number of airports? mexico


8.    What country has the greatest number of exports? china


9.    What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi rabbia


10.  What country imports more oil than any other? USA


11.  What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world? Venezuela


12.  Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? yes


13.  What is GDP? Grosse domestic product. All goods and services produced in a nation in a given year.


14.  What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?  Qatar 103,900


15.  Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?


16.  Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Africa


17.  11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? Africa


18.  What other country is in the top ten? India




19.  Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18


20.  Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? No china


21.  What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23.9%


22.  What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 82.7%


23.  What is Net Migration Rate? The diff between number of people leaving and coming per 1000 people


24.  Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? no


25.  According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet? 9,095,217,960

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today in class we talked about population in countries. We talked about total birth rate and total death rate. One person in our class said that people that are coming over from other countries are talking our jobs. I strongly disagree with that, they are coming over to get a better education or to make more money. And if they are over here for jobs I say that they should get it. Just because the jobs are in this country does not make them our jobs. Because the people were not born in this country does not mean they they should not get the job. People are discriminating other people because they were not born here and they are working here. The have the same rights we do and everyone is supposed to have an equal opportunity to work and to live in this country and no one should be discriminated.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today in class most people had to finish there test because of the fire drill on Friday. I finished in the last 2 minutes of the time on Friday. So he just handed them back for me to look at. I did not think that it was that hard of a test. I actually thought that it was very easy. I am very confident that I did well on the essay part. I already know how I did on the on the fill in the bubble part. I got a 30 out of 30 but that is not the main part of the test. There are more points in the essays then in the bubble part. I am not worried thought I think that I did very well on the test overall.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

On Friday we had a test on globalization and on the letter to Garcia. I did not think that it was that hard of a test. I thought that it would have been a little harder. I also thought that I would have a hard time with the letter to Garcia part. I also think it was easy because we had the fire drill. And that was after the test was handed out. We all got to see the questions so when we had the fire drill we got more time to think about the questions. I thought that it was a little weird that the fire drill went off. I assumed that the teachers would know when they are going to do a drill. But now that I think about it, it makes sense that they don’t. Because they do not know if it is a real fire or not they always act more serious when they happen.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today in class we went over things for the test on Friday.  We went over globalization and the message to Garcia. We also went over our power points most of them had a lot of info. Graces Probably had the most that would be very useful when I am studying. There group had tons of facts. I think that this test should be easy as long as I study and know what I am doing. I think I know enough about globalization the only thing that I may have to study more is the letter to Garcia. I am going to reread it again and study the main parts of the letter.

I know it’s a day late but I was having issues with my internet last night so I had to post it when I got in school


            They said that thing were better at Nike but they really are not. That just adds to why people think that the workers for Nike are doing fine because if they improve one little thing then the news people pick it up and make it sound better then how it really is. Nike said that there workers agree to sign a contract that makes them work for less. But that is not really true yes the do have a contract that they agree to sign but they are more forced to sign it. Nike brought in the military to scare the workers into signing it. But the news people felt no need to right about that. And then that creates a loop the news people wright good things about Nike and people that read about it think that everything is ok. So then nothing gets better over there because people have no idea what is happening.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Today in class we learned mostly about the cons to globalization. We watched a video about 2 people who when to Indonesia. They went to the Nike factories and lived like the workers who work there. When they went there what they found was truly disgusting and horrible. The workers were living in 9 by 9 concrete houses. And they slept on thin pieces of fabric. They found that the concisions that the people were living were so awful that people were getting sick and the sewer was above ground and open so all the sewage was in the streets. And all the left over rubber from the factory was getting dumped and burned. So all the children and people around there where inhaling the smoke and are probably going to get cancer. It is amazing that there are no laws to help prevent stuff like this from happening. I really do not know how the ceo and all the people in the top ranks of the company can live with themselves. And they know what is going on and they are trying to hide it. If I was them I would really have a hard time living with myself.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today in class we talked about globalization and what it is. We learned that it is the inner connection of all the county's becoming one. We also learned that it is sometimes called Americanization because most of the ideas in globalization come from America. As a result of globalization here is a boom in economy. There is also a grow in international, cultural and political activities. We also learned how to use google documents. I think this is a very neat thing it allows people to work on something together without the group of people meeting. This will be very useful on projects. Instead of getting people to meet and working around other peoples plans everyone can just stay at home or be anywhere and work on the paper. I think I will use this a lot while I am here at john carroll

Friday, September 6, 2013

One fact that I thought was amazing was that we are teaching kid how to solve problems that don’t exist yet using technology that also does not exist. There must be a lot of confidence that these technologies will exist soon. Another that I though was amazing was that the newspaper in a week gives people more info then people in the 18 century ever would come across. It makes science that after the printing press there was a boom in inventions and art and knowledge. When the printing press was invented info could travel faster and be more permanent then word of mouth.The last one was that there will be more than 40 Exabyte’s of new info this year alone and they said that is more then in the last 5000 years. We really are in a technological renaissance more and more technology is being invented every year. This is a time that there really are no limits on what we can do or what we will discover.

Today in class I learned a lot about Greece. I learned a lot about how they were the first ones to invent democracy. I learned how much the Greek   tried to do everything they did perfectly. I also learned about how much the U.S learned from them. I learned a lot about Socrates and his ideas. It is sad that he died for teaching young people. But I do think that the decision that he made over death or exile was a wise one. If he chose exile he would be thought of as a coward and all of his ideas would probably never be remembered.
this is the blog I am using for now on for human geo

Friday, August 30, 2013

This year my goal is to work very hard. My top five goals are to take more responsibility for my actions. If I do something wrong then I would like to be able to own up to it. Another goal is to be more organized I would like to keep things strait and have a book for each class organized. My third one is I would like to meet new people and make new friends. Another is I would like to be more involved with school. And my last thing I want to do is I want to speak Spanish better. I have taken Spanish almost my whole life and I still am on basic stuff I think the reason is I never studied for Spanish so I never did well on test and I never remember most of the stuff longer than a week. I really want to try my best to make this the best year possible